Digital Xbox One games hit Green Man Gaming at discount prices
Green Homo Gaming has expanded its offering of digital games, announcing a new range of Xbox One codes available via the third-party storefront. While well-established in the PC and Mac gaming space, its latest venture stocks a multifariousness of Xbox One titles, with many currently discounted beneath electric current pricing via the official Xbox Store. That includes top first-party Microsoft franchises like Forza, Gears of War, and Halo, including games and associated downloadable content (DLC).
Unlike the vast PC library currently stocked past Green Man Gaming, its Xbox Ane offering spans just a subset of the total console offerings. The company has announced it's "working to bring you even more Xbox games" moving forward, indicating this is the start of a larger partnership. For now, information technology includes several Play Anywhere-supported titles, enabling cross-purchasing and cross-saves on Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs.
These deals are limited to those in Europe right now, including UK buyers. Sorry U.S. folk. With the launch of its Xbox One itemize, the store also offers a five percent discount on its current range, bringing many titles below Microsoft Store pricing.
Xbox Price Cut
Save on digital Xbox One titles
Xbox One meets GMG.
Expanding beyond PC and Mac, its discounted titles now include a range of Xbox One games. Titles include Forza, Gears of War, and Halo, with Play Anywhere support between Xbox and Windows 10 PCs.
High-profile Xbox titles are among the highlights, including Forza Horizon four, Gears 5, and Minecraft. Various third-party games like Eye-globe: Shadow of War and Resident Evil 7: Biohazard make the cut, too. Discounts as well apply to DLC, introducing cuts to Gears 5 currency and and Forza memberships.
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