
Who Does The Sheep Represent In Animal Farm Define Vanity

Some of the to the lowest degree intelligent animals on Animal Farm. They never get fully literate and tin can't recollect the 7 Commandments, but Snowball teaches them the maxim "Four legs good, two legs bad," which they love and bleat all the time. They're receptive to propaganda and follow orders without questioning anything. The sheep represent the duped citizens of a totalitarian state.

The Sheep Quotes in Animal Farm

The Animal Subcontract quotes below are all either spoken by The Sheep or refer to The Sheep. For each quote, you can likewise encounter the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this 1:

Totalitarianism Theme Icon


"Four legs skillful, two legs bad."

Page Number: 34

Caption and Analysis:

"Four legs expert, two legs better!"

Page Number: 134

Explanation and Analysis:

The Sheep Character Timeline in Animate being Farm

The timeline beneath shows where the character The Sheep appears in Animate being Farm. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.

Class Warfare Theme Icon

Language as Power Theme Icon the Egg Product Committee for the hens and the Whiter Wool Movement for the sheep, only these projects fail. His only success is with the reading and writing classes—every animal... (full context)

Language as Power Theme Icon

The less intelligent animals, such as the sheep, larn merely the letter of the alphabet A and struggle to memorize the Seven Commandments. Snowball reduces them... (total context)

...the pigeons and geese swoop bomb and harass the men. And so, Muriel, Benjamin, and the sheep converge to barrel and boot them. The men are too potent, and so at Snowball's signal,... (total context)

...victory. They stitch the flag, sing "Beasts of England," and they bury the one sheep who died in the battle. Snowball gives a speech emphasizing that animals must exist willing... (total context)

...simply Napoleon is amend at convincing animals individually between meetings. He's particularly successful with the sheep, who begin bleating "Four legs good, two legs bad" in the eye of meetings—and particularly... (total context) nonsense, and nobody should vote for it. In response, Snowball jumps up, shushes the sheep, and passionately explains why they need the windmill. His passion wins over the animals as... (total context)

Totalitarianism Theme Icon

Language as Power Theme Icon

...dismayed. Four young pigs squeal in disapproval, but the dogs growl and silence them. The sheep bleat "4 legs good, two legs bad!" for 15 minutes. (total context)

Totalitarianism Theme Icon

Class Warfare Theme Icon

...the summit of the quarry and toppling them over the edge to shatter. The horses, sheep, Muriel, and Benjamin all booty rock to the site of the windmill. The process is... (total context)

...dream, Snowball told them to disobey Napoleon. A goose confesses to stealing corn and a sheep confesses that they urinated in the drinking pool on Snowball's orders. Others confess crimes and... (total context)

Revolution and Corruption Theme Icon

Language as Power Theme Icon the vocal is useless. The animals are frightened, and some consider protesting, merely the sheep begin to bleat "Four legs good, two legs bad" and this ends any word. Minimus... (full context)

One summer 24-hour interval, Grunter takes the sheep to an overgrown role of the farm to scan and leaves them there for a... (total context)


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