
How Many Animals Die Due To Animal Testing

Animal testing statistics are horrifying. They tin shock yous even if y'all don't care much about this issue. It's so distressing that it can brand you desire to look away and forget about information technology, just that won't finish animal testing.

Knowing more nearly this issue helps you make meliorate-informed decisions about the products you purchase and apply daily.

Little Known Brute Testing Facts

  • Official US statistics don't count 99% of the tested animals.
  • Over 100 million animals are tested in the United states yearly.
  • Laws protecting animals from testing don't include smaller rodents, birds, and amphibians.
  • One test can use as many every bit 120,000 animals.
  • Official US animate being testing polls don't count 92% of the animals used for medical testing.
  • Around 10 million animals are killed in US classrooms every year.
  • US government bodies don't regulate labels stating a product has non been tested on animals.
  • Every year, 115 million animals are used in experiments worldwide.
  • Chinese law requires cosmetic companies to carry animal testing.

Stats on Animate being Testing

Animate being testing facts and statistics can exist terrible to read, but information technology'south necessary to inform yourself.  Animals don't have a vocalism, so the only way to make a real alter is to vote with your feet.

ane. Animal Testing Is Used Unnecessarily for Products Like Fabric Softener

(Source: Humane Society International)

  • Some medicine and pesticides tests require thousands of trials. Many of them use the same animals as much as three times.
  • Nigh tests utilise methods such as force-feeding, skin application, and injection, with no pain reliever. Manufacturing plant farming also treats animals in similar inhumane ways.
  • The The states government doesn't legally require testing on animals for new products. Unfortunately, animal testing statistics show that even with animal testing, there'due south a 95% chance the drug won't make it past the human being trial phase.

Agencies land that brute testing is beneficial for human wellness. But animal experimentation statistics show it isn't truthful, and animals aren't necessary for this process. 100 or fifty years agone nosotros had limited knowledge of medicine, but it's unethical in today'southward mod world.

ii. Official Fauna Testing Statistics Don't Include 99% of the Animals Used.

(Source: Peta)

  • Animal testing cruelty statistics fail to include millions of mice, rats, birds, and amphibians. This fabrication of the truth makes the public believe that testing is rarely occurring.
  •  Painful tests similar dropping toxic chemicals into bunnies' optics are sometimes approved for human trials even if an brute shows agin effects.
  • Don't trust the label since the The states government bodies don't regulate them.

The accurateness of creature testing statistics is so low because no i reports them. Leaving out chunks of details to fit a certain narrative has agin effects on humans, too. If the information is incorrect, you could concur to things that don't marshal with your morals.

Animal Testing Industries That Will Surprise You

Many industries utilise creature testing to distribute their products legally. Hither are the ones you lot may not know about that show us why animal testing is bad.

iii. Eyes and Pare Irritation Tests Are Common in the Cosmetic Manufacture

(Source: The states Humane Society)

  • The makeup industry is notorious for unnecessary tests on animals. These tests don't fifty-fifty evidence anything. Mice and bunnies have different skin than humans, making the results invalid.
  • Cosmetic animal testing statistics show that many tested animals receive no hurting relief. As well, they live in horrible conditions with no outside air or sunlight.
  • The FDA (Federal Drug Administration) doesn't require brute testing on cosmetics. Companies are making this choice themselves.

E'er read the labels to ensure you're purchasing cruelty-gratis makeup products.

4. Biology Classroom Experiments Impale Approximately 10 1000000 Animals Each Year

(Source: Peta)

  • There's a massive backlash confronting schools across the US. Many of them perform unnecessary dissections of frogs and mice in biological science classes.
  • Every year, more than xx million animals in the US are abused during educational activity exercises, and half of them are killed
  • Studies well-nigh brute testing show that reckoner engineering science is far more than educational and cruelly-gratuitous.
  • Common "fun" science tricks include: driving pins into frogs' brains while they're still live, bully turtles' heads with hammers, and putting mice in horrific environments.
  • These tests affect humans, too. Many studies suggest that students forced to dissect animals exercise and so out of fearfulness of failing their course.

Such acts are entirely inhumane and must end. Animals testing facts report they have piffling to no educational value, so there's no demand for these experiments.

a baby rat in a hand

v. The Medical Industry Has Been Testing on Animals Since The 17th Century

(Source: Agreement Animal Research

  • Labs test mainly monkeys when it comes to medications and medical procedures intended for humans. But that has the aforementioned bereft statistical evidence every bit testing other species.
  • There are far more humane ways to exam medicine. For case, scientists can now replicate man DNA to provide accurate reactions and effects for studying.
  • Medical animate being testing statistics show that researchers in the U.k. utilise over 3,000 monkeys annually for lab tests. A shocking number considering the Britain has the fourth highest population of vegans.

Animal testing in medicine was once the most valid scientific procedure. Only with modern engineering science, its benefits are now invalid. Drug testing on animals facts shows the states how ruthless this industry can be.

Who Benefits From Animal Testing?

Animal testing costs statistics will daze most people. There's footling information on the topic, so it'south understandable why you don't know enough. But while the pet industry is booming, breeders supply animals for testing illegally.

6. Animal Breeders Profit the Most

(Source: NAVS)

  • Many news articles display the horrific atrocities of brute testing, so how does this industry proceed to grow? Research suggests brute breeders profit millions every year due to the high demand.
  • Companies utilise illegal animal breeders to obtain protected brute species for testing.
  • National health initiatives and pharmaceutical companies spend millions on animal testing every year. What'due south more, researchers, universities, and academics all profit from it, too.

Beast testing statistics show that much of what occurs between companies and animal breeders is under the table. In most cases, it's unregulated and illegal. That'southward why you should know what to look for in a breeder before purchasing an animal.

seven. Carers Are Paid to Plough Their Backs

(Source: Starting time Post)

  • Creature testing continues because companies and laboratories state practiced care for the animals. Reports suggest it's untrue. Likewise, vets and carers receive obscene amounts of money to ignore the test subjects' suffering.
  • Carers fabricate reports to meet regulatory requirements.

Nosotros've only scratched the surface and may never know the real story of what happens in these labs. Researchers suspect that the truth is far worse. Some animal testing coin statistics bring to light shocking information nigh who gains the virtually from the business organisation.

Countries and Animal Testing

At that place's a mass movement from large countries banning these experiments. Only huge markets still thrive on animals tested for cosmetics. For example, Chinese constabulary requires large makeup brands to conduct brute testing. Read on for more shocking animal testing make up facts.

8. The US Cosmetics Industry Is the Largest in the World

(Source: Statista)

  • The U.s. dazzler industry is worth close to $90 billion.
  • Middle cosmetics is the most popular segment and also among the nigh highly beast-tested ones.
  • Do your research. You may not know that a big brand makes a production you employ. Multinational companies often buy small cosmetics brands.
  • Bigger companies often examination on animals every bit they have a significant market share in countries such as China.

Animal testing statistics in the United States are very high for a country that doesn't legally require it. Over 100 million tests are conducted annually, which simply scratches the surface of the bodily numbers.

laboratory bottles and measuring equipment

ix. China Has the Second Largest Cosmetics Industry

(Source: Statista)

  • China imports over a third of cosmetic products from other countries.
  • The consumption value of beauty products is worth more than $58 Billion. Many companies don't pull their products from Chinese shelves because of the growing makeup industry.
  • Animal testing in China is mandatory for cosmetics. The rules and regulations are extensive and difficult to avoid.
  • In 2021, China agreed on importing some general cosmetic products that are cruelty-free. This is considered a positive sign for strange cruelty-free brands that want to expand in the Chinese cosmetic market.

With the growing number of animals tested for cosmetics, it'due south vital to stop these experiments in Communist china. That's why brands need to outset pulling their products. Information technology's all based on supply and need. So, if larger companies stop importing products, the Chinese government could change regulations.

Brute Testing Alternatives

The technology to observe alternatives is here. It's time to abandon the cruel processes of the medical, cosmetic, and cleaning industries.

x. Alternatives Offering Better Results

(Source: Peta)

  • Alternatives to animal testing statistics show that not simply do they provide better results, but they're also far more reliable.
  • Scientists commencement to admit that many conducted tests aren't necessary. Tests often utilize the same compound, which is a waste matter of valuable time and money.
  • Some scientists don't want alternatives equally they're used to animal testing.
  • Alternatives can harness results much faster and are cheaper than animal testing.

From this standpoint, it's clear to see why at that place's such a growing movement to stop the use of fauna testing in all industries. But if in that location are ameliorate and cheaper alternatives, why are animal testing statistics on the rise in the US?

11. Alternatives Are on the Rise

(Source: Peta)

  • The almost rapidly rising substitute is jail cell cultures. Modern science allows the states to grow human being and animal cells in labs. They're far more than effective in seeing the actual product furnishings as the DNA is replicated and not just causeless to exist similar.
  • Harvard'southward Wyss Institute develops organs grown on microfluidic devices, like to microchips. It's the futurity of testing, and a recognized alternative that will reduce animal testing percentages.
  • Alive human being trials allow people to contribute more. Many are selflessly offer to be test subjects for more reliable results.
  • Reckoner modeling is growing. It helps the states mimic disease progression, as well every bit provide reliable live medical procedure simulations.
  • Every medical school beyond Canada, the U.s., and Republic of india has replaced animal laboratory testing with virtual simulators.

Animal testing alternatives are fast the future of the corrective and pharmaceutical industries. Statistics showing how many animals are killed each year for beast testing are a massive driving strength behind these new and innovative alternatives.

one white and one beige bunny in a cage

12. What Does the Future Concur?

  • By 2025, the US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) promised to reduce studies on mammals by thirty%.
  • In 2018, European union Parliament encouraged every country to a global ban on testing cosmetics on animals by 2023.
  • Starting from 2021, the UK`s maximum prison house sentence for brute cruelty raised from six months to five years.

We still don`t know if these promises will come true, but we know that the UK is on the correct path to stopping brute abuse. In fact, in 2019 the UK joined 26 other countries in banning animal use in circuses.

What You lot Can Do to Help

In that location are ways that you can decrease how many animals die a twelvemonth from animate being testing.

Join One of the Countless Initiatives Against Animal Testing

(Source: Ethical Elephant)

  • Cruelty-Free International has many programs to cease fauna testing worldwide. Also, information technology provides accurate animate being testing statistics. Aid past donating to their worthy cause.
  • Many companies that want a modify in the makeup industry dorsum up the Humane Lodge International. Sign their pledge to stop cosmetic creature testing.
  • National Anti-Vivisection Guild (NAVS) leads the science world with new testing methods that don't include animals. They expose the industry and show why brute testing should be banned. Donate or sign their petition to support the crusade.

All of these initiatives shed light on fauna testing cruelty. The main objective is to ban fauna testing across the globe and prevent unnecessary punishment for innocent animals.  And what is left for us, is to spread the give-and-take and purchase vegan and cruelty-free products whenever there's an pick.

Small-scale Changes Make a Huge Difference

(Source: Peta2)

  • Research is key. Do your homework past checking drug testing on animals facts to see if the products you use are ethically audio.
  • Heighten your voice instead of turning the other way. Prepare brute abuse statistics and accomplish out to companies to let them know you disagree with their practices and correspond brute rights.
  • Look for dazzler products that don't examination on animals.
  • Most importantly, vote with your feet. If you disagree, the biggest statement you lot tin make is to terminate buying these products and helping their financial gain. It's oftentimes the only style for conglomerates to notice and endeavour to modify.

At that place are ways you tin personally make a difference in how many animals dice from beast testing. Gaining the cognition to brand informed decisions is a large pace in the right management.

To Sum Up

Animal testing facts display the harsh reality of innocent animals across the globe. Atrocities are however taking place, regardless of scientific testify that animal testing is incorrect. The industries that benefit are vast, and the money poured into them shows no signs of slowing downwards.

Unless more people read statistics most creature testing, there'd be piffling alter. We tin can make significant progress if more people know their place in the industry and what they're contributing. Animals don't deserve to suffer for the selfish nature of human being.


What is animate being testing for cosmetics?

Corrective testing on animals is when the chemical compounds for beauty products are placed on or in animals to observe whatever adverse reaction. This can mean the products get in the centre or on the skin.

Why is creature testing cruel?

Animal testing is cruel because the animals take no rights or say well-nigh what happens to their bodies. They are forced into terrible situations where they are hurt and tortured.

Why testing on animals should be banned?

We understand that dorsum in the day scientists had to test on animals because there were no other options. However, today there are alternatives to beast testing that yield even more accurate results.

How many animals are killed due to animal testing in the US?

Animal testing statistics prove that every year more than than 110 animals in the US are killed due to experimental testing. Amid the most abused animals are frogs, mice, dogs, rabbits, monkeys, and fish.


  1. Humane Social club International
  2. Peta
  3. United states Humane Society
  4. Peta
  5. Understanding Animate being Research
  6. NAVS
  7. Offset Post
  8. Statista
  9. Statista
  10. Peta
  11. Peta
  12. Ethical Elephant
  13. Peta2


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